Module 4

In the examples provided on the previous slide there are the following stakeholders: The municipality represented by politicians, internal stakeholders such as infrastructure planning and a DMO. These all have different win conditions. The politicians might want to promote local production a culture in order to attract more people to come live in the municipality, the department of infrastructure planning want more people to choose bicycles rather than driving by car and the DMO might be in charge of promoting sustainable practices through partnerships. These are already three different win conditions, based in different SDGs, and they can sometimes be in competition with each other. The second set of stakeholders are the destinations stakeholders. In the example provided these are local food producers, a guide company and local entrepreneurs. The local food producers are looking for new markets where they can sell direct to tourists ro get better margins for their products. The guide company wants to engage visitors in their product and use the partnerships to provide content for their guided tours. The local entrepreneurs could be looking to expand their season through the interest that the locally produced food and the activation of hiking and bike paths that the guide company is doing. They would like more overnight stays in periods where they have lots of free rooms. The external stakeholders in the examples include visitors but also inhabitants. Visitors want to experience true local culture in an active way. Inhabitants want entertainment and events to engage in with friends and family. When all these stakeholders and their respective win conditions have been mapped you can start to figure out what the partnerships look like. Partnering with the municipality might not get the stakeholder what they are after. The win for one stakeholder is usually related to the win of another stakeholder. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Pr. nr.:2022-1-SE01-KA220-VET000089744 Mapping out the wins External stakeholders Destination stakeholders Internal stakeholders Politicans Infrastructure planning DMO Local food producers Guide company Local entrepreneurs Visitors Inhabitants