Module 4

For any given municipality and destination there are a multitude of stakeholders in these three general categories. These stakeholder categories have different type of partnerships with the municipality, and they are usually looking to gain very different things from a partnership. A stakeholder map is a good toll for keeping track of partnerships in these different categories. Avoid the temptation of listing every possible stakeholder. Some are more important than others – your partnerships for the goals, the SDGs. In the center of the map is what you are trying to achieve. Your municipality’s journey toward the SDGs that you defined are unique to you. It is important that you share these goals and your ideas on how to reach them with the relevant stakeholders. When you share them it is important to emphasise that these are the municipal goals and in order to create partnerships you need to figure out the goals of the different stakeholders. Starting a partnership doesn’t mean that you have to share the exact same goal for the exact same reason and you will find that very few stakeholders will engage in partnership through altruism in order for the municipality to reach its goals without the stakeholders reaching theirs. Take reducing poverty as an example. The municipality may have a very different view on why that is important compared to a tourism business. Balancing different views or lenses on sustainability is part of creating partnerships for the goals. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. Pr. nr.:2022-1-SE01-KA220-VET000089744 Stakeholder map External stakeholders Destination stakeholders Internal stakeholders